Welcome to the blog.
Here, I offer thoughts and reflections about being human. Sometimes, I write from my own experience as a long-time therapy client and as a therapist. Other times, I write with the intention of educating or informing people about the therapy process.
5 books for grieving people
If you find solace in books, one of these might provide connection and comfort during the grieving process.
On trusting yourself
What does it mean to trust yourself? I wrote about my process reflecting on this question.
A few small but important things I keep in mind to help my clients recover
There's lots of small actions that add up to a feeling of recovery after trauma.
“I know I’m worthy, I just don’t believe it.”
My thoughts on why it's so hard to believe we're a person of worth, even if we know it's true on an intellectual level.
What does “resourcing” mean in EMDR therapy? A forest journey metaphor
In EMDR, resourcing is much like packing for a hike—you want to make sure you have everything you need to make the journey as safe and successful as possible.
EMDR, Briefly explained
Here’s a brief primer for those who want to learn more about EMDR.
Welcome to my therapy space
My Sheung Wan therapy office is inspired by the spaces I felt safest in throughout my life.
Film review: Good Grief
A new film by Dan Levy, which explores the raw, messiness of partner loss, might feel like home for fellow grief-knowers.
When New Year’s Day is your Dad’s Death Anniversary
The chasm of my dad’s New Year’s Day death anniversary holds an odd annular perfection.